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经济所教师发表论文概要 第3期


[1]高淑娟,乔木,刘普.美国联邦政府非税收入的范围及特点[J]. 税务研究,2015,08:109-113.
【摘要】 美国联邦政府用户收费与中国政府非税收入在概念和范围上相类似,且都具有存续时间长、管理经验丰富的特点。本文从美国政府非税收入的概念、范围界定入手,分析其设立、征收、使用、监管各个环节的特点,以期对中国政府非税收入管理有所借鉴。

[2]龙登高. 非公企业要走出国门寻求发展机遇[N]. 中国经济时报,2015-09-18010.

[3]Wang Yong, Jin Pengjian, Yang Chongsheng. Relations between the professional backgrounds of independent directors in state-owned enterprises and corporate performance[J]. International Review of Economics & Finance, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.iref.2015.10.011.
Abstract: The article analyzes how the professional backgrounds of independent directors (hereinafter IDs) in state-owned enterprises (hereinafter SOEs) influence corporate performance by collecting and analyzing publicly available data on listed companies. After differentiating between the “nominal professional backgrounds” and “real professional backgrounds” of IDs, we find that more than 85% of IDs have backgrounds in “the party-state system”. Based on IDs' “real professional backgrounds”, IDs' proportion of board seats is negatively correlated with corporate performance, indicating that IDs from “the party-state system” background did not play a positive and effective role in helping companies improve their corporate performance. Additional deep, broad analysis shows that the diversification of IDs' backgrounds in SOEs is positively correlated with corporate performance. Additionally, an SOE that has dissenting IDs or IDs with “different voices” achieves better corporate performance. Therefore, reducing the number of IDs from “the party-state system” and focusing more on IDs' professionalism and background diversity should be considered.

[4]蔡继明. 推进土地制度改革  完善分配机制[N]. 人民政协报,2015-12-03003.
《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划的建议》指出:优化劳动力、资本、土地、技术、管理等要素配置,完善市场评价要素贡献并按贡献分配的机制。这是自 2002年中共十六大确立按生产要素贡献分配原则以来,为进一步深化分配制度改革提出的新任务和新要求。一方面进一步强调要完善市场评价要素贡献并按贡献分配的机制,另一方面在前述四种要素中又增加了土地这一重要的生产要素。

[5]蔡继明. 能源行业国企混改要与非公经济发展同步[N]. 中国能源报,2015-12-21006.
目前,我国非公有制经济对 GDP 的贡献率已超过一半,占新增就业岗位的 80%以上,且已成为技术创新的生力军。不过,在能源行业中,由于严格的市场准入限制,油气行业无论上游资源配置、开采、中游加工还是终端销售网络都基本形成三大国有石油公司垄断的市场格局。

[6]王勇,张博然. 股权众筹发端与当下运行的有效机制[J]. 改革,2015,12:112-117.
【摘要】 历史上的众筹合作机制难以适用于互联网众筹。信息不对称导致的逆向选择难题和道德风险难题是互联网众筹面临的两大难题。发展互联网众筹,应建立领投人机制,建立项目发起人和项目投资人的黑名单机制,建立对投资者的审查机制。

[7]蔡继明. 消除对农地确权的十三种疑虑[J]. 同舟共进,2016,02:36-38.



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