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清华大学社会科学学院经济学研究所教授,至善书院院长。主要研究方向为商品市场(包括数据要素)、金融科技和数字经济。在Journal of Finance、Review of Financial Studies、Management Science、PNAS、《中国社会科学》、《经济研究》等杂志上发表多篇论文。目前担任国际期刊Quantitative Finance的执行编辑以及《管理科学学报》的领域编辑。研究成果得到美国期货管理委员会、联合国商品报告以及多家媒体的报道, 入选2020-2023年爱思唯尔中国高被引学者。




008/10至2014/10 中国人民大学汉青研究院助理教授、副教授、教授
2014/11 至今 清华大学社会科学学院经济学研究所 教授


执行编辑, Quantitative Finance


2004年 加州大学伯克利分校金融工程硕士最佳论文David Pyle奖
2010年 教育部“新世纪人才支持计划”
2010年 北京市哲学社会科学二等奖
2012年 国家级青年人才计划
2013年 国家杰出青年科学基金
2017年 北京市哲学社会科学二等奖
2020年 国家级人才计划领军人才


FinTech Platforms and Asymmetric Network Effects: Theory and Evidence from Marketplace Lending, 2024 China Tech-Fin Research Conference, Best Paper Award, First Prize, 2024
Crypto Wash Trading, The 2nd Annual CBER-Circle Insight Award, Best Paper Finalist, 2024.
Teaching Economics to the Machines,  中国国际风险论坛和中国金融评论联合会议,优秀论文奖, 2024
The Tokenomics of Staking, The 36t Asian Finance Association Annual Conference, Best Paper Finalist, 2024
Staking, Token Pricing, and Crypto Carry, 19届中国金融学年会, 最佳论文一等奖, 2022
Value Premium, Network Adoption, and Factor Pricing of Crypto Assets, European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Conference, Best Paper Award, 2022
Staking, Token Pricing, and Crypto Carry, Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Association of Derivatives, Best Paper Award, 2022
Crypto Wash Trading, Crypto and Blockchain Economics Research (CBER) Conference, Best Paper Award, 2021
Crypto Wash Trading, 2021 Kaiko Prize for Research in Cryptoeconomics, Best Paper Award, 2021
Crypto Wash Trading, Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Association of Derivatives (APAD), Best Paper Award, 2021
AlphaPortfolio for Investment and Economically Interpretable AI, 第三届中国金融学术与政策论坛,英文最佳论文奖, 2021
Hedging Pressure and Commodity Option Prices,第二届中国衍生品青年论坛,最佳论文奖, 2021
中国线上线下的价格粘性对比与货币非中性程度变化, 18届中国金融学年会,三等奖, 2021

学术成果 (Publications)


1.Statistical Tests for Replacing Human Decision Makers with Algorithms, with Han Hong (Stanford University), Xin Lin (BUAA) and Jingyuan Wang (BUAA) Management Science, Forthcoming.
2.Leverage is a Double-Edged Sword, with Avanidhar Subrahmanyam (UCLA), Jingyuan Wang (Beihang University) and Xuewei Yang (Nanjing University), Journal of Finance, 2024, 79, 1579-1634.
3.Financialization and Commodity Markets Serial Dependence, with Zhi Da (Notre Dame University), Yubo Tao (University of Macau) and Liyan Yang (Toronto University), Management Science, 2024, 70, 2023-2704.
4.Crypto Wash Trading, with Lin William Cong (Cornell University), Xi Li (University of Newcastle) and Yang Yang (University of Bristol), Management Science, 2023, 69, 6417-7150.
5.A Tale of Two Premiums: The Role of Hedgers and Speculators in Commodity Futures Markets, with Wenjin Kang (SUFE) and Geert Rouwenhorst (Yale University), Journal of Finance, 2020,75, 377-417.
6.Commodity as Collateral, with Haoxiang Zhu (MIT), Review of Financial Studies, 2016, 29, 2110-2160.
7.Economic Linkages, Relative Scarcity, and Commodity Futures Returns, with Jaime Casassus (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile) and Peng Liu (Cornell University) , Review of Financial Studies, 2013, 26, 1324-1362.
8.Index Investment and the Financialization of Commodities, with Wei Xiong (Princeton University), Financial Analyst Journal, 2012, 68, 54-74. (ESI 高被引论文, Google Scholar 2000+)
9.Commodity Investing, with K. Geert Rouwenhorst (Yale University), Annual Review of Financial Economics, 2012, 4, 447–467.


10.Long Term Spread Option Valuation and Hedging, with Michael Dempster (Cambridge University) and Elena Medova (Cambridge University), Journal of Banking and Finance, 2008, 32, 2530-2540.
11.No-arbitrage Conditions for Storable Commodities and the Modelling of Futures Term Structures, with Peng Liu (Cornell University), Journal of Banking and Finance, 2010, 34, 1675-1687.
12.Estimating exponential affine models with correlated measurement errors: Applications to fixed income and commodities, with Michael Dempster (Cambridge University), Journal of Banking and Finance, 2011, 35, 639-652.
13.Institutional Asset Pricing, with Heterogeneous Beliefs, with Zhigang Qiu (Renmin University of China), Shiyang Huang (London School of Economics) and Qi Shang (Renmin University of China), Journal of Banking and Finance, 2013, 37,  4107-4119.
14.The Stochastic Behavior of Commodity Prices with Heteroskedasticity in the Convenience Yield, with Peng Liu (Cornell University), Journal of Empirical Finance, 2011, 18, 211-224.
15.Time-varying Long Run Mean of Commodity Prices and the Modelling of Futures Term Structure, Quantitative Finance, 2012, 12, 781-790.
16.Determinants of Oil Futures Prices and Convenience Yields, with Michael Dempster (Cambridge University) and Elena Medova (Cambridge University), Quantitative Finance, 2012,12,1795-1809.
17.The Determinants of Homebuilder Stock Price Exposure to Lumber: Production Cost versus Housing Demand, with Peng Liu (Cornell University) and Xiaomeng Lu (Cornell University), Journal of Housing Economics, 2012, 21, 211-222.
18.Maximal Affine Models for Multiple Commodities: A Note, with Jaime Casassus (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile) and Peng Liu (Cornell University), Journal of Futures Markets, 2015, 35, 75-86.
19.Size and Performance of Chinese Mutual Funds: The Role of Economy of Scale and Liquidity, with Wenjun Wang (Renmin University of China) and Rong Xu (Renmin University of China), Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2012, 20, 228-246.
20.Are Chinese Warrants Derivatives? Evidence from Connections to their Underlying Stocks, with Changyun Wang (Renmin University of China), Quantitative Finance, 2013, 13, 1225-1240.
21.Cross-Market Soybean Futures Price Discovery: Does the Dalian Commodity Exchange Affect the Chicago Board of Trade? with Liyan Han (Beihang University) and Rong Liang (Renmin University of China) Quantitative Finance, 2013,13,613-626.
22.Corporate Governance and Firm Liquidity: Evidence from the Chinese Stock Market, with Changyun Wang (Renmin University of China), Emerging Market Finance and Trade, 2011, 47, 47-60.
23.China’s Imported Inflation and Global Commodity Prices, with Changyun Wang (Renmin University of China) and Shiyi Wang (Renmin University of China), Emerging Market Finance and Trade, 2014, 50, 162–177.
24.Latent Jump Diffusion Factor Estimation for Commodity Futures, with Michael Dempster (Cambridge University) and Elena Medova (Cambridge University), Journal of Commodity Markets, 2018, 9, 35-54.
25.Commodity Prices and GDP Growth, with Yiqing Ge (Tsinghua University), International Review of Financial Analysis, 2020,5, 101512.
26.Gender and Herding, with Jie Michael Guo (Durham University), YaodongLiu (Durham University), and Zhigang Zheng (Renmin University of China), Journal of Empirical Finance, 2021, 64, 379-400.
27.Do Corporate Managers Believe in Luck? Evidence of the Chinese Zodiac Effect, with Jiarong Li (Durham University), Jie Michael Guo (Durham University), Nan Hu (Glasgow University), International Review of Financial Analysis, 2021, 101861
28.Deep Sequence Modeling: Development and Applications in Asset Pricing, with Lin William Cong (Cornell University), Jingyuan Wang (BUAA) and Yang Zhang (BUAA), The Journal of Financial Data Science, 2021, 3,  28-42.
29.Impact of Temperature and Relative Humidity on the Transmission of COVID-19: A Modelling Study in China and the United States, with Jingyuan Wang, Kai Feng(BUAA), Xin Lin (BUAA), Weifeng Lv (BUAA), Kun Chen (University of Connecticut), Fei Wang (Cornell University), BMJ Open, 2021, 11, e043863  (ESI 高被引论文, Google Scholar 900+)
30.Can the E-commercialization improve residents’ income? --Evidence from “Taobao Counties” in China, with Qiaoqin Xiong(Tsinghua University) and Fengyu Zhang(Tsinghua University), International Review of Economics and Finance, 2022, 3, 540-553.
31.Online Prices and Inflation during the Nationwide COVID-19 Quarantine Period: Evidence from 107 Chinese Websites, with Tingfeng Jiang (UIBE), Taoxiong Liu (Tsinghua University) and Jiaqing Zeng (Tsinghua University), Finance Research Letters, 2022, 49, 103166.
32.Experience of the COVID-19 pandemic in Wuhan leads to a lasting increase in social distancing, with Edoardo Gallo (Cambridge University), Darija Barak (Cambridge University), Ke Rong (Tsinghua University), and Wei Du (Anhui University of Finance and Economics), Scientific Reports, 2022,12, 18457.
33.Assortative Mating on Blood Type: Evidence from One Million Chinese Pregnancies, with Yao Hou (Tsinghua University), Jingyuan Wang (BUAA), Danxia Xie (Tsinghua University), Hanzhe Zhang (Michgan State University), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 2022, 51,  e22096431
34.Financialization of Commodity Markets Ten Years Later, with Wenjin Kang (Macau University) and Ningli Wang(Tsinghua), Journal of Commodity Markets, 2023, 30, 100313.
35.GPT's idea of stock factors, with Yuhan Cheng, Quantitative Finance, forthcoming.


36.商业银行竞争、效率及其关系研究--以韩国、中国台湾和中国大陆为例(与黄隽合作) ,《中国社会科学》并被《新华文摘》转载, 2008年,第二作者。
37.中国商品期货投资属性研究(与钟腾合作), 《金融研究》,2016年第4期,通讯作者。
39.基于在线大数据的中国商品价格粘性研究 (与姜婷凤和刘涛雄合作),《经济研究》,2020年第6期,通讯作者。
42.数据要素的界权、交易和定价研究进展 (与熊巧琴合作),《经济学动态》,2021年2月,第二作者
45.基于在线大数据的通货膨胀“现时”预测(与姜婷凤、刘涛雄合作), 《计量经济学报》,2022年7月,通讯作者


商品交易 (包括数字资产)

1.Political Uncertainty and Commodity Markets, with Kewei Hou (Ohio State University) and Bohui Zhang (CUHK) https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3064295

2.Relative Basis, with Ming Gu (Xiamen University), Wenjin Kang (SUFE) and Dong Lou (LSE), https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3404561

3.Hedging Pressure and Commodity Option Prices, with Inghaw Cheng (Toronto University) and Lei Yan (Yale University) https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3933070

4.Value Premium, Network Adoption, and Factor Pricing of Crypto Assets, with Lin William Cong (Cornell University),  George Andrew Karolyi (Cornell University) and Weiyi Zhao (Tsinghua University)


5.Staking, Token Pricing, and Crypto Carry, with Lin William Cong (Cornell University),  and Zhiheng He (Tsinghua University) https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4059460

6.Inclusion and Democratization Through Web3 and DeFi? Initial Evidence from the Ethereum Ecosystem, with Lin William Cong (Cornell University),  Yanxin Wang (Xi’an Jiao Tong University) and Xi Zhao (Xi’an Jiao Tong University) https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4162966


7.AlphaPortfolio for Investment and Economically Interpretable AI, with Lin William Cong (Cornell University), Jingyuan Wang (BUAA) and Yang Zhang (BUAA),      https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3554486
8.Properties of ROC Curves, with Kai Feng (BUAA), Han Hong (Stanford University) and Jingyuan Wang (BUAA), https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3382962
9.Teaching Economics to the Machines, with Hui Chen (MIT), Yanchu Liu (Sun Yat-sen University) and Yuhan Cheng (Shandong University), https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4642167


《随机过程与金融衍生品》汤珂 编著,中国人民大学出版社,2014年。
《数据经济学(第二版)》汤珂等 编著,清华大学出版社,2024年。


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