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姓名:戎 珂






戎珂,清华大学长聘教授、博导,剑桥大学博士。清华大学社科学院经济所所长,Elsevier中国高被引学者,Journal of Digital Economy创刊主编,2020年入选国家级青年人才计划。研究方向为商业/创新生态系统、数字经济以及AI与数据生态。在UTD24、《中国社会科学》、《管理世界》等期刊发表论文70余篇,出版《数字经济学》、《数据要素论》、《数据经济学》和《Business Ecosystems》等专著及教材。兼任清华大学国家高端智库研究员和清华大学全球产业研究院副院长,专报多次获中央领导批示,同时为华为、中国电子、字节跳动、腾讯、海尔等企业在芯片及数字生态和数据要素等方面提供理论和战略支持。获得北京市哲学社会科学优秀成果奖一等奖和二等奖、教育部第九届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)青年成果奖、浙江省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖一等奖、中国管理学青年奖以及中国信息经济学会创新成果奖等。同时还担任JIBS, JIBP, LRP, Technovation, MOR等国内外多个知名期刊编委。


2003-2007 清华大学 本科

2007-2011 剑桥大学 博士


2016-今 中国清华大学社科学院 长聘教授(2021)、长聘副教授(2018)、经济所副所长(2018)、准聘副教授、博导

2020-今 中国清华大学国家高端智库 研究员(2021)、副研究员(2020)

2023-2024 英国剑桥大学工程系制造与管理学部 访问学者

2015-2016 英国埃克塞特大学(罗素集团)商学院 高级讲师、博导、永久教职

2014-2015 美国哈佛大学商学院 访问学者

2011-2015 英国伯恩茅斯大学商学院 高级讲师(2014)、讲师、博导、永久教职


1.创刊主编(Founding editor):Journal of Digital Economy,(被国家一级学会中国信息经济学会认定为国际会刊,同时入选Scopus)

2.期刊编委(Editorial Board):Journal of International Business Studies (UTD24)

3.领域编辑(Area Editor):Journal of International Business Policy, 国际商务学会(AIB)官方期刊

4.副编辑(Associate Editor):Long Range Planning

5.领域编辑(Area Editor):Technovation

6.高级编辑(Senior Editor):Management Organization Review,IACMR官方期刊

7.期刊编委:Cross Culture & Strategic Management,《管理学季刊》等

8.专家网络委员:达沃斯世界经济论坛(Member of Expert Network,WEF)



11.专栏编辑:Academy of Management Discoveries, Long Range Planning, Resource, Conversation and Recycling、《管理工程学报》等

12.评审专家:Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Long Range Planning, Research Policy, British Journal of Management, AOM, AIB, EuRAM等

13.分论坛主席:欧洲管理年会(EuRAM 2014-至今)、美国管理学年会(AOM 2012、2016、2017和2022)、国际商务年会(AIB 2022,2024)









3.2024 欧洲管理学年会战略管理最佳论文(Best Paper)




7.2023年 第十届技术创新与技术管理国际研讨会(ISMOT 2023)最佳论文

8.2022年 中国信息经济学会创新成果奖

9.2022年 国家知识产权局数据知识产权工作专家指导组专家

10.2022年 国家社科基金重大项目首席专家

11.2021年至今 爱思唯尔(Elsevier)中国高被引学者

12.2021年 北京市社科基金青年学术带头人

13.2021年 清华大学青年教师教学优秀奖(1/10)

14.2021年 清华大学“优秀博士学位论文指导教师”

15.2021年 第十一届亚太创新会议Asian-Pacific Innovation Conference, 优秀论文奖

16.2020年 北京市第十六届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖


18.2020年 第十七届中国技术管理年会优秀论文

19.2017年 清华大学学术新人奖

20.2017年 北京市优秀人才培养资助项目-青年骨干项目

21.2016年 仲英青年基金

22.2015年 Group & Organization Management 年度最佳宏观论文

23.2014年 欧洲管理年会战略管理最佳论文第二名

24.2012年 英国高等教育学会会士(Fellow of Higher Education Academy UK)





3.国家自科基金青年项目,商业生态系统的体系解构及理论构建,主持 (结题优秀)

















18.华为, A+D商业生态战略咨询项目,主持






1.戎珂,陆志鹏,2022,《数据要素论》,人民出版社,北京 (系统性阐述生产要素演化、数据市场建设、数据跨境和数据大国战略等)(第十七届北京市哲学社会科学优秀成果奖一等奖)

2.戎珂、周迪,2023, 《数字经济学》,清华出版社,北京


4.Rong, K and Shi, Y (2014) ‘Business Ecosystems: Constructs, Configuration and Nurturing Process’, Palgrave Macmillan Press, London. Endorsed by Dr. James Moore, the founder of business ecosystem theory.







1.Ronaldo, P* , Rong,K*, Shi, X*, Kang, Z, Zhou,D**, 2024, How Do Platform Multinational Corporations (PMNCs) Address Emerging Challenges in the Global Landscape? A ‘READ’ Framework , Long Range Planning, 57(5), 10.1016/j.lrp.2024.102455

2.Rong, K., Lin, Y., Du, W., & Yang, S. (2023). Business ecosystem-oriented business model in the digital era. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 1–18

3.Zhou, D, Rong, K*, Parente, R, 2023, Why do Platform Multinational Companies Struggle Abroad? A Multi-method Study of the Role of Informal Institutional Distance, Journal of Digital Economy, Vol 1, Issue.3, December 2022, Pages 252-272

4.Litan, H., Rong, K., Wu, Y., Xie, D., Zhang, H., & Zhao, D. (2023). Profit versus Sustainability in Bikeshare. Sustainable Cities and Society, 93, 104512. (SCI Q1)

5.Rong, K, Zhou, D*, Shi,X, Huang, W, 2022, Social Information Disclosure of Friends in Common in an E-commerce Platform: An Online Experiment, Production and Operations Management, vol.31, issue 3, pp:984-1005. (UTD24)(2022年中国信息经济学会创新成果奖)

6.Barak, D., Gallo, E*., Rong, K*., Tang, K., & Du, W. (2022). Experience of the COVID-19 pandemic in Wuhan leads to a lasting increase in social distancing. Scientific Reports (Nature), Vol.12, No.1, 18457. (SCI Q1)

7.Rong, K, Kang,Z* and Williamson, P, 2022, Liability of Ecosystem Integration and Internationalization of Digital Firms,Journal of International Management, vol.28, 100939. (SSCI Q1)

8.Shi,X, Hong,H, Luo,Y, Rong, K*, Shi,Y, (2022), Exploring the Process of Business Ecosystem Emergence from Value Chains: Insights from the Chinese Mobile Phone Industry, Management Organization Review, Vol.18 , Issue 1 , pp. 4 – 42.

9.Moore, J, Rong, K*, Zhang R. 2022, The Human Ecosystem, Journal of Digital Economy, accepted, 12 Aug.2022.

10.Rong, K , 2022, Research agenda for the digital economy,Journal of Digital Economy, vol.1, issue 1, pp20-31.

11.Rong, K, Sun,H, Li,D and Zhou,D* 2021, Matching as Service Provision of Sharing Economy Platforms: An Information Processing Perspective, Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol.169. (SSCI Q1)

12.Rong, K., Lin, Y., Yu, J., Zhang, Y., & Radziwon, A. (2021). Exploring regional innovation ecosystems: an empirical study in China. Industry and innovation, Vol.28, No.5, pp545-569. (SSCI Q1)

13.Rong, K, Li, B, Peng,X, Zhou,D and Shi,X*, (2021), Sharing Economy Platforms: Creating Shared Value at a business ecosystem level, Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol.169. (SSCI Q1)

14.Shi,X, Sutherland, D, Williams,C and Rong, K 2021, Patent- and Trademark-Seeking Outward Foreign Direct Investment by Chinese Firms: The Role of Business Group Affiliation, Industrial and Corporate Change, accepted.

15.Shi, X., Sutherland, D., Williams, C., & Rong, K. (2021). Chinese MNE acquisition of unrelated foreign businesses: The role of diversified business group affiliation, private ownership and strategic asset seeking. Journal of Business Research, Vol.129, pp145-156. (SSCI Q1)

16.Rong K, Lin Y, Yu J, et al (2020). Manufacturing strategies for the ecosystem-based manufacturing system in the context of 3D printing[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 1-20. (SCI Q1)

17.Rong, K., Zhou, D., & Parente, R. C. (2020). Why Do Platform Multinationals Struggle Abroad? The Role of Informal Institutions. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2020, No. 1, p. 16994). (AOM 2020 Best Paper Finalist)

18.Lu, C, Chang, F, Rong, K, Shi, Y and Yu X (2020), Deprecated in policy, abundant in market? The frugal innovation of Chinese low-speed EV industry,International Journal of Production Economics,Vol.225, P107583. (SCI Q1)

19.Ren Q., Rong K., Lu C., Liu G., and Ross, M. (2020), Value-informed Pricing for Virtual Digital Products: Evidence from Chinese MMORPG Industry, International Journal of Market Research,vol.62, issue 3, p350-368.

20.Parente, R., Rong, K.*, Geleilate, J.-M, and Misati, E. (2019). Adapting and Sustaining Operations in Weak Institutional Environments: A Business Ecosystem Assessment of a Chinese MNE in Central Africa. Journal of International Business Studies, vol.50 issue.2, pp275-291. (SSCI, UTD24) (Q1)

21.Rong, K, Xiao F, and Wang Y., 2019, Redundancy in the sharing economy, Resources Conservation & Recycling, vol.151, pp104455. (SCI Q1)

22.Rong, K, Xiao, F*, Zhang, X and Wang, J (2019), Platform strategies and User Stickiness in online video industry, Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol.143, pp249-259. (SSCI Q1)

23.Liu, Y, Zhang, Y, Batista, L and Rong, K, 2019, Green operations: what’s the role of supply chain flexibility?, International Journal of Production Economics, vol.214, pp30-43. (SCI Q1)

24.Meng, D, Li, X*, and Rong, K (2019), Industry-to-university knowledge transfer in ecosystem-based academic entrepreneurship: Case study of automotive dynamics & control group in Tsinghua University, Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol.141, pp249-262. (SSCI Q1)

25.Ma,Y, Rong, K*, Luo, Y, Wang, Y, Mangalagiu, D and Thomas, T (2019), Value Co-creation for Sustainable Consumption and Production in the Sharing Economy in China, Journal of Clean Production, vol.208, pp1148-1158. (SCI Q1)

26.Lin,Y, Luo,J, Ieromonachou,P, Rong, K, Huang,L, (2019) "Strategic orientation of servitization in manufacturing firms and its impacts on firm performance", Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 119 No. 2, pp. 292-316.

27.Laamanen, T, Pfeffer, J, Rong, K and Van de Ven, A, 2018, Editors’ Introduction: Business Models, Ecosystems, and Society in the Sharing Economy, Academy Management Discoveries. Vol. 4, No. 3, 213–219. (SSCI Q1)

28.Rong, K*., Patton, D., and Chen, W. (2018), Business models dynamics and business ecosystems in the emerging 3D printing industry. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol.134, pp234-245. (SSCI Q1)

29.Parente, R., Geleilate, M., Rong, K.* (2018). The sharing economy globalization phenomenon: a research agenda. Journal of International Management, Vol.24, No.1, pp52-64. (SSCI Q1,ESI高被引论文)

30.Rong, K, Lin, Y, Li, B, Burstrom, T, Butel, L and Yu, J (2018), Business ecosystem research agenda: more dynamic, more embedded and more internationalized. Asian Business & Management, Vol.17, No.3, pp167-182.

31.Luo, J., Rong, K.*, Yang, K., Zou, Y. and Guo, R. (2018). Syndication through social embeddedness: a comparison of foreign, private and state-owned venture capital (VC) firms in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, pp1-29.

32.Rong, K*., Hu, J., Ma, Y., Lim, M., Liu, Y. and Lu, C. (2018). The sharing economy and its implications for sustainable value chains. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, vol.130, pp.188–189. (SCI Q1)

33.Rong, K*., Ren, Q. and Shi X. (2018). The determinants of network effects: evidence from online games business ecosystems. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol.134, pp45-60. (SSCI Q1)

34.Ma, Y., Rong, K.*, Mangalagiu ,D., Thornton ,T. and Zhu, D. (2018). Co-evolution between urban sustainability and business ecosystem innovation: evidence from the sharing mobility sector in Shanghai. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol.188, p942-953. (SCI Q1)

35.Liu, G, Rong, K* and Ko, W (2018), Promoting employee entrepreneurial attitudes: an investigation of Chinese state-owned enterprises, International Journal of Human Resource Management, pp1-19. (SSCI Q1)

36.Rong, K., Secchi, D. and Shou, Y. (2018). Culture, trust and business ecosystems: the mediating role of online chat in China. International Journal of Mobile Communications, Vol.16, No.3, pp247-265.

37.Hao,H, Liu,Z, Zhao,F, Ren,J, Chang,S, Rong, K and Du,J, (2018), Biofuel for vehicle use in China: Current status, future potential and policy implications, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82:645-653. (SCI Q1)

38.Rong, K., Shi, Y., Shang, A., Chen. Y. and Hao, H. (2017). Organizing business ecosystems in emerging electric vehicle industry: structure, mechanism and configuration patterns. Energy Policy, vol.107, pp.234–247. (SSCI/SCI Q1)

39.Wei, S., Guo, L., Sharma, R. and Rong, K.* (2017). Investigating e-business models' value retention for start-ups: the moderating role of venture capital investment intensity. International Journal of Production Economics, vol.186, pp.33–45. (SCI Q1)

40.Lu, C., Liu, H., Tao, J., Rong, K.* and Hsieh, Y. (2017). A key stakeholder-based financial subsidy stimulation for Chinese EV industrialization: a system dynamics simulation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol.118, pp.1–14. (SSCI Q1).

41.Guo, L., Sharma, R., Yin, L., Lu, R. and Rong, K. (2017). Automated competitor analysis using big data analytics: evidence from the fitness mobile app business. Business Process Management Journal, vol.23, pp.735–762.

42.Van de Ven, A., Laamanen, T., Rong, K. and Pfeffer, J. (2016). Business models, ecosystems and society in Sharing Economy. Academy of Management Discoveries, vol.2 no.2.

43.Lin, Y., Luo, J., Cai, S., Ma, S. and Rong, K*. (2016). Exploring the service quality in the e-commerce context: a triadic view. Industrial Management & Data Systems, vol.116, no.3. (SCI Q1)

44.Rong, K., Hu, G., Lin, Y., Shi, Y. and Guo, L. (2015). Understanding business ecosystem using a 6C framework in Internet-of-Things-based sectors. International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 159, pp.41–55. (SCI Q1)

45.Rong, K., Wu, J., Shi, Y. and Guo, L. (2015). Nurturing business ecosystems for growth in a foreign market: incubating, identifying and integrating stakeholders. Journal of International Management, vol. 21, no.4, pp.293–308. (SSCI Q1)

46.Liu, G. and Rong, K*. (2015). The nature of the co-evolutionary process: complex product development in the mobile computing industry’s business ecosystem. Group & Organization Management, vol.40, no.6, pp.809–842 (SSCI) Best Marco Paper Award of the journal, 2015.

47.Lu, C., Rong, K., You, J. and Shi, Y. (2014). Business ecosystem and stakeholders’ role transformation: evidence from China’s emerging electric vehicle industry. Expert Systems with Applications, vol.41, no.10. (SCI Q1)

48.Hu, G., Rong, K.*, Yu, J. and Shi, Y. (2014). Sustaining the emerging carbon trading industry development: a business ecosystem approach of carbon traders. Energy Policy, vol.73, pp.587–597. (SSCI Q1)

49.Chen, Y., Rong, K*., Xue, L. and Luo, L. (2014). Evolution of collaborative innovation network in China’s wind turbine manufacturing industry. International Journal of Technology Management, vol.65, pp.262–299. (SSCI/SCI)

50.Rong, K., Hu, G., Hou, J., Ma, R. and Shi, Y. (2013). Business ecosystem extension: facilitating the technology substitution. International Journal of Technology Management, vol.63, no.3/4. (SSCI/SCI)

51.Rong, K., Lin, Y., Shi, Y. and Yu, J. (2013). Linking business ecosystem lifecycle with platform strategy: a triple view of technology, application and organization. International Journal of Technology Management, vol.62, no.1. (SSCI/SCI)

52.Rong, K., Shi, Y. and Yu, J., (2013). Nurturing business ecosystem to deal with industry uncertainties. Industrial Management & Data System, vol.133, no.3. (SCI Q1)

53.Rong, K., Liu, Z., and Shi, Y. (2011). Reshaping the business ecosystem in China: case studies and implications. Journal of Science and Technology Policy in China, vol.2, no.2, pp.171–192.

54.Wu, X., Ma, R., Shi, Y. and Rong, K. (2009). Secondary innovation: the path of catch-up with ‘Made in China’. China Economic Journal, vol.2, no.1,pp.93–104.

60.戎珂 2023,中国式现代化视阈下的数字中国建设,《人民论坛》,2023.9.14
64.戎珂,康正瑶,James Moore,2021,工业互联网落地的3I模型,《哈佛商业评论》。
65.戎珂,施新伟,周迪*,2021,如何建立计算产业第二创新生态,《科学学研究》,第39卷, 第6期。
68.戎珂,王勇,康正瑶,2018,从平台战略到生态战略的STEP模型,《哈佛商业评论》,第10期, 页码109-114。





3.李谭卉一(2019级直博),瑞典斯德哥尔摩经济学院(QS by subject 52),博士后








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